Ep. 172 Mentee Success Story With Tiffanni Hinds career career advice career services college student internship interview linkedin mastering college to career podcast resume university Sep 22, 2020


Show Notes

What if I told you that you have the skills to go head to head with individuals that have over ten years of experience more than you?

 If you don't believe this is possible, a recent graduate from the Mastering College to Career Academy, Tiffanni Hinds is living proof!


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Ep. 171 “Nontraditional Ways to Leverage Your College Experience” With Brandon Fong career career advice career services college student internship interview linkedin mastering college to career networking nontraditioinal outreach podcast resume university Sep 15, 2020


Show Notes

In today’s episode I speak with Author of The Magic Connection Method and Founder of 7-Figure Millennials Brandon Fong.

As a child, Brandon Fong recognized the value of utilizing his resources.

From being on free and reduced lunch to selling Pokémon cards just to...

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Ep. 170 “Moving Mental Mountains” With David Mendoza career career advice career services college student international students internship interview linkedin mastering college to career mental health podcast resume study abroad university Sep 08, 2020


Show Notes

Before founding the Mastering College to Career Academy,  I thought that mental health challenges could be solved by a simple change in mindset.

I thought that if you simply focused on personal development and growth, you could escape whatever you were facing internally.

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Ep. 169 Mentee Success Story With Daniel Davalillo career career advice career services college student internship interview linkedin mastering college to career podcast resume success story university Sep 01, 2020


Show Notes

In the #MenteeSuccessStory series, we’ll highlight students in the Mastering College to Career Academy who have executed the career development strategies flawlessly and have landed their dream jobs or internships.

In this episode of the podcast, aspiring cybersecurity...

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Ep. 168 “How To Get International Students Jobs” With Michael Rincon career career advice career services college student international students internship interview linkedin mastering college to career podcast resume university Aug 25, 2020


Show Notes

Picture this:

You’ve just graduated from college and before you can celebrate one of your biggest accomplishments your 90 day OPT Deadline countdown starts ticking.

By now I’m sure you’ve already applied to hundreds of jobs that you’re overqualified...

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Ep. 167 “How to Build a Solid Personal Brand” with Tatiana Holifield career career advice career services college student internship interview linkedin mastering college to career personal branding podcast resume university Aug 18, 2020


Show Notes

In today’s episode of the podcast, VP/Head of Digital (& Social Media) Strategy at Pacers Sports & Entertainment Tatiana Holifield speaks on the importance of building a solid personal brand and how to achieve it.

Growing up as a military kid raised by a single...

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Ep. 166 “Why You Should Always Choose Confidence” With Alyssa Dver career career advice career services college student confidence internship interview linkedin mastering college to career podcast resume university Aug 11, 2020


Show Notes

In today’s episode of the podcast I speak with Confidence Crusader, Neuro Nerd and Success Equalizer Alyssa Dver.

After her son was diagnosed with a neurological disorder and told he would be paralyzed  for the rest of his life, Alyssa wanted to be knowledgeable on...

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Ep. 165 “Coaches and Mentors and Sponsors, Oh My!” With Janis Milham career career advice career services coaching college student internship interview linkedin mastering college to career mentorship personal development podcast resume sponsorship university Aug 04, 2020


Show Notes

Robin Sharma once said, “Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.”

So when embarking on a journey of self development, many people start by looking for a...

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Ep. 164 “How to Hack the Applicant Tracking System” With Ryan Kohler ats career career advice career services college student growth hacker internship interview linkedin marketing mastering college to career podcast resume thought leader university Jul 28, 2020


Show Notes

With unemployment at an all time high, many of us have become familiar with applying to jobs online and creating profiles on applicant tracking systems.

However, I’m here to tell you that the age of the traditional online application is a thing of the past!

What if I...

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Ep 163 "How to Handle Rejection” With Basant Shenouda career career advice career services college student international students internship interview linkedin mastering college to career podcast rejection resume university Jul 23, 2020


Show Notes

Did you know that less than 1% of all LinkedIn users post content? Even fewer post about the rejections or failures that they have experienced and continue to experience.

Social media has become a highlight reel of only the good things in life, but that’s not real nor...

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Ep. 162 “Discovering Your One Word” With Rich Keller career career advice career services catalyst college student internship interview linkedin mastering college to career podcast resume university Jul 21, 2020


Show Notes

Not many people are willing to risk it all and give up a corporate salary and job security at the age of 50. For Rich Keller, this was a must!

After helping his son stand out in a college application by discovering his core values and emotional identity, Rich knew from that...

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Ep. 161 “Why You Were Born To Lead” With Alex Kuhn career career advice career services college student internship interview leadership linkedin mastering college to career podcast resume university Jul 16, 2020


Show Notes

We are all born to lead! I understand that sometimes we think that some people were just born leaders, but the reality is that leadership is learned just like anything else. 

Great leaders come in all shapes and sizes and I'm sure you'll be surprised to learn that...

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