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Ep. 169 Mentee Success Story With Daniel Davalillo

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Show Notes

In the #MenteeSuccessStory series, we’ll highlight students in the Mastering College to Career Academy who have executed the career development strategies flawlessly and have landed their dream jobs or internships.

In this episode of the podcast, aspiring cybersecurity professional Daniel Davalillo takes us on a trip through his journey to success.

After applying for multiple internships, Daniel decided in his sophomore year at the University of Houston that there had to be a better way to secure the internship of his dreams. 

Hungry for success, Daniel took to social media and came across many professional development webinars, however, none caught his eye like the Mastering College to Career advertisement he saw on Facebook.

In March of 2020 at the peak of a global pandemic, Daniel decided to take control of his career, joined the MC2C Academy and secured an internship at LPL Financial. 

Tune in today to get your daily dose of inspiration and learn what strategies he found to be the most helpful on his journey.

To get in contact with Daniel, connect with him on LinkedIn:

During this podcast, I shared about my Mastering College to Career Academy. If you would like to get more information about it please visit: or email me any questions at [email protected]

Episode Produced By: Jordan (Jay) Alford 


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