Ep. 150 “Stimulating Dialog with Hope and Love” with Pastor Cliff McCray Jr. blacklivesmatter career career advice career services college student faith hope internship interview linkedin mastering college to career podcast resume university Jun 09, 2020



Show Notes

 During these unsettling times, are you wondering what  you can do to take action and support the movement?

“As a word of encouragement: reading books and engaging in conversation is important and from that awareness it goes to your head, then to your...

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Ep. 149 “ Becoming an Advocate in the Workplace: Taking a Stand Even When Standing Alone” With Lizzie Ann Jones blacklivesmatter career career advice career services college student diversityandinclusion internship interview linkedin mastering college to career mentalhealth podcast resume standup university Jun 03, 2020


Show Notes

 In today’s episode of the Mastering College to Career Podcast, I speak with Tech Career Strategist and Author of Master the Humble Brag: A Guide to Writing About Your Professional Wins, Lizzie Ann Jones.

Lizzie Ann Jones discovered she was black through acts of...

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Ep 148 Re-humanizing the Recruitment Process With Jerry Lee interview networking podcast recruiting Jun 02, 2020


Show Notes 

In this episode of the podcast, I speak with Jerry Lee, COO of Wonsulting and Senior Strategy & Operations Manager at Google.

Jerry is an expert at career development coaching, and helping to allocate resources to students struggling to navigate their next...

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Ep 147 Building a World-Class Network with Jordan Paris growth interview personal development podcast May 28, 2020


Show Notes 

Networking is more of a science than an art. The fact is that you don’t need to be a 60-year-old white male to have a world-class network. 

In fact, my guest in today’s episode of the podcast actually is 22 years old, but has a network that most...

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Ep 146 “Life is too short to merely survive” with Emily Melious clarity interview podcast self assessment May 26, 2020


Show Notes 

In this episode of the podcast, I speak with Emily Melious, Chief Executive Officer at Launch Consulting. 

Emily is an expert at helping people discover their how, and becoming confident in navigating the next stages in their life. We talk about the importance...

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Ep 145 Owning Your Career with Dr. Jeanette K. Winters career industry expert interview podcast May 07, 2020


Show Notes 

It’s not your university’s responsibility to get you a job and it’s not your future employer’s responsibility to get you a promotion. 

At the end of the day, you need to own your career and your life. 

All of these stakeholders in...

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Ep 144 Diversity Recruiting with Carlos Butler-Vale diversity interview podcast recruiting May 05, 2020


Show notes

It’s no surprise that my focus is to help 1st generation and minority students land jobs with top companies. 

One of my main strategies for helping my students is having them research companies that have set goals to improve the diversity of their...

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#STEM Ep 143 How to Increase Your Chances for Success interview podcast shpe stem success Apr 30, 2020


Show Notes 

Welcome to the new #STEM series of the Mastering College to Career Podcast. 

In this episode I introduce you to my Co-Host for the #STEM series, Miguel Angel Cuen, a Computer Science Student at the University of Arizona. We talk to Dr. Zack Valdez who is the...

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Ep 142 Relationships are the Real Currency with Curtis Lewsey college students marketing mentorship networking relationships sales Apr 28, 2020


Show Notes 

It is often said that your network is your net worth and the more I grow in my professional career the more I see this to be true. 

This is why without a doubt relationships are the real currency to business. 

So in this episode of the podcast I bring my mentor...

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Ep 141 How to get Top Jobs if you Come From a Non-Target School With Jonathan Javier career college recruiting interview networking podcast recruiting referral top companies Apr 23, 2020


Show Notes

In this episode of the podcast I talk to Jonathan Javier, the CEO/Founder of Wonsulting which is a career consulting company whose mission is to turn underdogs into winners. 

Jonathan and I dive into the best strategies for students that attend non-target schools to...

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Ep 140 The Future of Employment Post COVID 19 with George McGehrin guest interview podcast Apr 20, 2020


Show Notes


In this episode of the podcast I talk to George McGehrin, the Founder of The McGehrin Group and an expert in all things Talent Acquisition and Executive Branding.

We discuss the future of employment post COVID 19 and the ways that students can use this time...

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EP 139 How to be an Entrepreneur and a College Student at the Same Time! with Christian Bonnier and Andre Haykal entreprenuership interview networking podcast Apr 15, 2020


Show Notes

In this episode of the podcast I talk to two College Sophomores, Christian Bonnier and Andrew Haykal, that host a top 100 podcast called Real Talk University. We talk about how podcasting can be used to build up your network, build a marketing business, and even land your...

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