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Ep 145 Owning Your Career with Dr. Jeanette K. Winters

career industry expert interview podcast May 07, 2020


Show Notes 

It’s not your university’s responsibility to get you a job and it’s not your future employer’s responsibility to get you a promotion. 

At the end of the day, you need to own your career and your life. 

All of these stakeholders in your life can help you, but you need to lead the charge. You need to take action and put in the work. 

I remember a presentation that HR gave during my orientation week at PepsiCo and they said that 80% of your career is up to you and 20% is up to the company. 

Ever since that moment I realized the importance of owning your career. 

So that’s why in this episode of the podcast I talk to Dr. Jeanette K. Winters, a proven executive that has held leadership roles for Multiple Fortune 500 companies including Fortune 500 leaders such as Amgen, Pitney Bowes, American Express and Intel.

We discuss how to own your career starting as a college student, how to find the right company, and much much more.

During this podcast, I shared information about my Mastering College to Career Academy. If you would like to get more information about it please visit: or email me any questions at [email protected]

If you would like to connect with Dr. Jeanette Winters, send her a personalized message on LinkedIn.




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