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Ep 142 Relationships are the Real Currency with Curtis Lewsey

college students marketing mentorship networking relationships sales Apr 28, 2020


Show Notes 

It is often said that your network is your net worth and the more I grow in my professional career the more I see this to be true. 

This is why without a doubt relationships are the real currency to business. 

So in this episode of the podcast I bring my mentor Curtis Lewsey, the National Best Selling Author of Appreciation Marketing and Founder and CEO of AM Cards to talk about this subject. 

Curtis is a master when it comes to building relationships and creating a system to maintain long lasting friendships. 

If you’ve ever received a thank you card from me, chances are that it was sent using Curtis’ company AM Cards.

Building real relationships throughout your life will not only exponentially improve your career but it will also improve your overall life. 

It’s all about who you are and how you’re showing up in people’s life. 

So if you want to learn more about this crucial topic, I highly suggest you listen to the full episode. 

At the end of the episode Curtis gave out a very special offer to all my listeners. If you want to get a free copy of his national best selling book please check out

During this podcast, I shared about my Mastering College to Career Academy. If you would like to get more information about it please visit: or email me any questions at [email protected]




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