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Ep. 150 “Stimulating Dialog with Hope and Love” with Pastor Cliff McCray Jr.

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Show Notes

 During these unsettling times, are you wondering what  you can do to take action and support the movement?

“As a word of encouragement: reading books and engaging in conversation is important and from that awareness it goes to your head, then to your heart then to your hands where you can do something,” said Pastor Cliff McCray Jr.

“Unfortunately, some people are skipping the head and heart work and going straight to their hands. So,many are being misguided and miseducated in all demographics. Doing good head and heart work / becoming enlightened then using that to impact our hearts to motivate us and to work with our hands is so important.” 

In today’s episode I speak with Discipleship & Teaching Pastor at Boca Glades Baptist Church

Cliff McCray Jr. about the troubling times of today, the impacts that these times have on our country and how you can take effective action. Using your voice, your platform and your testimony to draw awareness can truly help advance the movement expeditiously.  

Tune in today’s powerful episode titled  “Stimulating Dialog with Hope and Love” to hear us discuss how faith, passion and your calling can be applied in the workplace and in everything that you do.

To connect with Pastor Cliff McCray Junior connect with him on LinkedIn:

During this podcast, I shared about my Mastering College to Career Academy. If you would like to get more information about it please visit: or email me any questions at [email protected]

Episode Produced By: Jordan Alford


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