Ep 142 Relationships are the Real Currency with Curtis Lewsey college students marketing mentorship networking relationships sales Apr 28, 2020


Show Notes 

It is often said that your network is your net worth and the more I grow in my professional career the more I see this to be true. 

This is why without a doubt relationships are the real currency to business. 

So in this episode of the podcast I bring my mentor...

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Ep 114 How I Landed My Dream Internship With My Dream Company with Ashley M. Ortiz Rosario career career services career success college college student college students college to career dream job internship internships interview mastering college to career academy podcast resume testimonial Dec 02, 2019



Show Notes

 In this episode I have a conversation with Ashley M. Ortiz Rosario. She’s an alumni of the Mastering College to Career Academy and someone I’ve been working with for the past 6 months. She recently received an offer for her dream internship with...

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Networking Rules for Every College Student Ep 106 career services college college students college to career networking podcast Oct 10, 2019

YouTube Video


Show Notes

Studies show that over 80% of jobs are acquired by referrals. This is why networking is one of the most important skills a college student can learn. 

In this video, I talk about my 5 rules of networking that every student should follow. These rules have...

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Finding A Purpose When You Network With Spencer Ingram college students network networking passion purpose talent Aug 25, 2019

In this Episode of the podcast, I spoke with Spencer Ingram, Co-founder of Best Monday Ever. Our conversation about Networking expands into the importance of finding your purpose when networking. In my opinion, one crucial aspect of finding a career is networking. We give many tips in this...

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