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Finding A Purpose When You Network With Spencer Ingram

college students network networking passion purpose talent Aug 25, 2019

In this Episode of the podcast, I spoke with Spencer Ingram, Co-founder of Best Monday Ever. Our conversation about Networking expands into the importance of finding your purpose when networking. In my opinion, one crucial aspect of finding a career is networking. We give many tips in this episode that will help students stand out in crowds and take charge of their careers.

Here are some of the highlights:

[3:34] Disconnect between what companies are looking for and what students have to offer

[6:50] Self assessments for what you want in the future

[7:45] One of the greatest skills an employee can have

[8:20] Training for networking

[9:30] Conference crashing: put your feet in the water by volunteering

[13:00] An easier method to getting the information for someone who is too busy for coffee

[15:30] Applicant tracking and the average number of applicants for entry level jobs

[19:35] Best Monday Ever

[20:30] Volunteering and getting involved into a purpose

[22:30] Career navigation tools


The one thing that Spencer would like for you to take away from this episode:

Making things matter most. Employers are looking for imagination so developing those skills are important for the future


Want to connect with Spencer?




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