Ep.157 “Utilizing Video In Your Networking Strategy” With Steve Pacinelli career career advice career services college student connect internship interview linkedin mastering college to career podcast resume university video Jul 02, 2020


Show Notes

In these uncertain times and times of social distancing, videos are what have kept us all #alonetogether during this quarantine.

In today’s episode, we talk about cultivating relationships and how utilizing videos when connecting with others is a sure way to re-humanize...

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Ep. 121 How to Walk Away From The Career Fair With Job and Internship Offers career fair career services podcast video Jan 20, 2020




Not all weeks of your semester are created equal. There is one week in the semester that can change the trajectory for the rest of your college career. That week is the week of the career fair. 

If you are a college student that is currently...

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How To Become The Ideal Candidate For Your Dream Company career fair career service college student dream company dream job ideal candidate mastering college mastering college to career podcast video Sep 23, 2019

Youtube Video  Podcast

About Episode

In this episode, we talk about how you can become the ideal candidate for your dream companies. The reality is that it’s in their best interest to tell you what soft and hard skills they’re looking for. 

I’ve created an activity...

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Why Mastering Your Transition From College To Career Should Be Your #1 Priority college college to career ep96 podcast video Sep 04, 2019


In this episode, I explain why every student should make their transition from college to career their #1 priority. Your first job out of college sets the foundation for the rest of your professional career which is why this is so important. 

Here are a couple of highlights from...

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