Why Mastering Your Transition From College To Career Should Be Your #1 Priority
Sep 04, 2019
In this episode, I explain why every student should make their transition from college to career their #1 priority. Your first job out of college sets the foundation for the rest of your professional career which is why this is so important.
Here are a couple of highlights from this video:
[0:30] Story about a student that graduated without a job lined up
[ 3:00] Who determines how much you should get paid?
[ 4:00] ⅔ students graduate college without a job lined up
[ 6:00] Story about a student that graduated with a job offer making double the average salary
My hope is that after listening to this vide, you will make your transition from college to career your #1 priority.
I created a Mastering College To Career Checklist to go along with this episode. If you can check off all 24 items on the checklist, you will set yourself up for success.
Mastering College To Career Checklist
Let’s connect! I want to hear from you, so please do NOT hesitate to reach out to me on LinkedIn, email, or anywhere else.
Best regards,