Ep.256: "How to stand out during the interview"
Ep.256: "How to stand out during the interview" career career advice college recruiting college student interview mastering college to career tell me about yourself Aug 11, 2022

This is the secret behind interview questions.

Whenever an interviewer asks you something, think about this first. Why are they asking you this question? How do they really want you to answer?

Something people seem to forget during interviews, is that there is always a question behind a question....

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Ep.255: "How to Be a Grand Master Interviewer"
Ep.255: "How to Be a Grand Master Interviewer" career career advice career services college recruiting college student interview mastering college to career Aug 04, 2022

Have you ever walked out of an interview and felt like you messed up?

No doubt this has happened to all of us. You go in, excited for the role and the company, but x y and z get in the way, and it doesn’t go as expected. Don’t let this happen to you again!

Today, I invited Gene...

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Ep.254 "How to network and beat over 90% of all other applicants"
Ep.254 "How to network and beat over 90% of all other applicants" career career advice career services college recruiting college student mastering college to career networking Jul 28, 2022

How much time do recruiters really spend reviewing your resume?

Definitely not enough to see all your potential.

I can tell you from my 10 years of experience in helping job seekers, your resume by itself WILL NOT land you your dream job, but networking will.

Don’t just hear it from me,...

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Ep.253 "How to Get Ready for Fall Recruitment"
Ep.253 "How to Get Ready for Fall Recruitment" career career advice career services college recruiting college student fall recruitment internship mastering college to career online application Jul 21, 2022

Best time of the year to get a job? Fall recruitment by far!! 

Don’t just take my word for it. 

Hear it from Stephanie Nuesi, who works at Google, has done internships with JP Morgan and PWC and is the founder and CEO of Max Up.

In this week’s episode of...

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Ep 141 How to get Top Jobs if you Come From a Non-Target School With Jonathan Javier career college recruiting interview networking podcast recruiting referral top companies Apr 23, 2020


Show Notes

In this episode of the podcast I talk to Jonathan Javier, the CEO/Founder of Wonsulting which is a career consulting company whose mission is to turn underdogs into winners. 

Jonathan and I dive into the best strategies for students that attend non-target schools to...

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