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Ep.254 "How to network and beat over 90% of all other applicants"

career career advice career services college recruiting college student mastering college to career networking Jul 28, 2022
Ep.254 "How to network and beat over 90% of all other applicants"

How much time do recruiters really spend reviewing your resume?

Definitely not enough to see all your potential.

I can tell you from my 10 years of experience in helping job seekers, your resume by itself WILL NOT land you your dream job, but networking will.

Don’t just hear it from me, listen to Manny Duenas, University Recruiter at Intuit and the Career Doctor, on how your career can start going uphill if you start building the right relationships, just as his did.

So on this episode, you will learn how to:

  • Beat your imposter syndrome
  • Stand out when applying for competitive companies
  • Gain credibility for your resume

If you’re not getting callbacks and are struggling with networking, then take 30 min to listen to this episode now.

If you need extra help and want to learn how to beat over 95% of all other applicants while spending HALF the time applying for Jobs, register for my FREE workshop TODAY!

Let’s connect! 

I want to hear from you, so please do NOT hesitate to reach out to me on LinkedIn!

Episode Produced by: Sofia Rojas


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