Ep 117 A Year In Review 2019 goals podcast Dec 31, 2019


Show Notes

In this episode, I review 2019 at a brand level and a personal level.  I talk about all the wins, but also all the failures. 

If you are interested in learning more about the FREE Online training I am hosting on “ How to Get a Job/Internship with a...

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Ep 115 Is GPA Important? With Manny De La Cruz gpa interview podcast stem Dec 09, 2019



Show Notes

I often get asked why I don’t talk about GPA in my book or in my content. I tell people that it’s because everyone is talking about GPA and I personally do not think GPA is that important. In my opinion, you should focus less on GPA and more on networking....

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Ep 114 How I Landed My Dream Internship With My Dream Company with Ashley M. Ortiz Rosario career career services career success college college student college students college to career dream job internship internships interview mastering college to career academy podcast resume testimonial Dec 02, 2019



Show Notes

 In this episode I have a conversation with Ashley M. Ortiz Rosario. She’s an alumni of the Mastering College to Career Academy and someone I’ve been working with for the past 6 months. She recently received an offer for her dream internship with...

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Ep 113 Mastery of Money for College Students with Adam Carroll budgeting career career services career sweet spot college college to career internships mastery of money personal finance podcast Nov 27, 2019



Show Notes 

In this episode I talk to one of my role models, Adam Carroll. I first met Adam over 7 years ago when I was a college student. His book was the first book that I read on personal finance and it’s what started my journey and fascination for this...

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Ep 112 The 6 Career Factors That Will Prepare You For Your Job Search with Erik Harbison career career in marketing career services career success college college student college to career internships interview marketing podcast resume social media management student voices students of linked Nov 19, 2019




I will be hosting a FREE TRAINING on how to land a job with a Fortune 500 Company. 


Show Notes

In this episode I speak with Erik Harbison, the Co-founder of The Marketing Help. The Marketing Help is the #1 resource for proactively managing your...

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Finding Your Career Sweet Spot career career sweet spot careerservices careersuccess college collegestudent collegestudents collegetocareer finding your why internship internships interview podcast resume studentsoflinkedin studentvoices Nov 13, 2019



Show Notes

In this episode, I talk to my friend Kene Iloenyosi. He is the founder of Talent Revolution, a company that helps people identify their career sweet spot based on their natural abilities. 

In this episode we talk about how you, as a student, can find your...

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Using UpKey to Build a Resume, Elevator Pitch and More with Amir Badr Ep 110 career careerservices college elevator pitch internship internships interview podcast resume upkey Nov 05, 2019



Show Notes

In this episode of the podcast I interview the founder and CEO of UPKEY, Amir Badr. UPKEY gives you a winning resume, builds your professional brand, and connects you with top companies offering internships and jobs.

We had a very good discussion about what makes...

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Ep 109 Why Every College Student Should Visit the Career Services Department blog career coach career expo career fair career services college to career employer relations job interviews mastering college to career mock interviews podcast resume Oct 30, 2019



Show Notes

In this episode, I talk about one of my favorite departments at any university, the Career Services department.

This department focuses on helping you land internships and jobs. They have tons of free resources to help you be successful so make sure you take full...

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Ep 108 How Can College Students Become Indistractable With Nir Eyal books focus interview life hacks podcast productivity Oct 21, 2019



Episode Notes 

In this episode of the podcast I interview Nir Eyal, the author of Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life. 

In this episode, we talk about how the techniques in this book apply to college students. We discuss how college...

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Run Yourself Like a Business Ep 107 board of directors branding business mentors million dollar brand persona banding podcast youtube Oct 15, 2019



Show Notes

Have you ever thought about running yourself like a business? 

If you have never, in today’s episode I cover a couple of things that most businesses do that we should incorporate in our life. 

  • What is your competitive advantage?
  • You are a...
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Networking Rules for Every College Student Ep 106 career services college college students college to career networking podcast Oct 10, 2019

YouTube Video


Show Notes

Studies show that over 80% of jobs are acquired by referrals. This is why networking is one of the most important skills a college student can learn. 

In this video, I talk about my 5 rules of networking that every student should follow. These rules have...

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Career Q&A with Amanda Nachman & Daniel Botero Ep 105 career questions college to career networking passion podcast Oct 08, 2019




In this episode, I do something a little different. I partner up with my friend Amanda Nachman who has an amazing podcast of her own. What we wanted to do is cross-promote our podcast by creating an amazing episode and diving it into two parts.  In my podcast,...

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