Ep 113 Mastery of Money for College Students with Adam Carroll
Nov 27, 2019YouTube
Show Notes
In this episode I talk to one of my role models, Adam Carroll. I first met Adam over 7 years ago when I was a college student. His book was the first book that I read on personal finance and it’s what started my journey and fascination for this subject.
We speak about Adam’s new book, Mastery of Money for College Students. We dive into how college students can master this important subject. We speak about student loans, monopoly with real money, and practical things you can do to set yourself up for success.
Adam Carroll, Bio
Adam Carroll is an internationally recognized financial literacy expert, author and speaker. He is a two-time TED talk speaker, with one of his talks surpassing 4 million views. Adam is the founder and curator of www.MasteryOfMoney.com, creator of the documentary film, Broke Busted & Disgusted and founder of Build A Bigger Life. His passion is helping people build a bigger life, not a bigger lifestyle.
If you enjoyed the podcast you will love his book.
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