*Limited Spots Available Monthly

We specialize in helping STEM students land full-time jobs!

Our personalized program helps you achieve career clarity, boost visibility, and ace your interviews to land your dream opportunity 🌟


Apply to work with us.

Currently, we're at full capacity, but we want to be able to help you. Fill out the form below, and we will connect you with one of our fellow career coaches, or contact you once a spot opens up.

Our 3 step journey 

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The first step in our program is to help students gain clarity on their career goals and aspirations. We work closely with each student to identify their unique strengths, interests, and values, and then provide personalized guidance on how to align those with the right job opportunities. 


The second step in our program is to help students increase their visibility to potential employers. We provide personalized guidance on how to build a powerful resume, online brand and professional network that will help students stand out from the crowd. 


The final step in our program is to help students prepare for their job interviews. We provide expert coaching on how to ace your interviews and make a strong impression on potential employers. 

Let's start this Journey 🌟

Frequently asked questions

Our clients now work For:

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Real Stories, Real Results!

Check out what our students are saying!

Shubh landed his dream job in the NBA with the New Orleans Pelicans! 

Using everything he learned in the Mastering College To Career Academy, Shubh positioned himself as a Million Dollar Brand and proved his potential to the Pelican's decision makers. These two components made him the obvious choice for the position.


Luis got his dream job at Deloitte an entire YEAR before graduating!

Utilizing everything he learned in the Mastering College To Career Academy, Luis received a job offer from the top accounting firm in the world an entire year before graduation.


Ashley landed the internship of her dreams at Disney!

The Mastering College to Career Academy helped Ashley build her million dollar brand and gave her the confidence needed to apply for her dream internship as a Guest Experience Manager at Walt Disney World. After a 10 minute conversation with the decision maker, they offered her the internship!


Claudia landed an extremely competitive internship at PepsiCo!

Before The Mastering College to Career Academy, Claudia was confused about how to align her resume with the requirements for a position she wanted. She had the right experience, but she wasn't sure how to approach Senior Executives at large companies in order to get noticed. After joining, she implemented everything she learned about resumes, executive conversations, & interviews in order to land an extremely competitive internship with PepsiCo.



"I could never have landed my internship if it weren't for this program."

- Claudia Domenech


"This is a step-by-step guide on how to be the best candidate." 

Luis Guzman

" I don't know where I would be without this program."

-Subh Vijay

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