Ep. 181 Own Your Career Own Your Life w/ Andy Storch career career advice career services college student internship interview linkedin mastering college to career podcast resume success university Dec 01, 2020


Show Notes

Imagine getting the chance to sit down and talk with your younger self, the one that just graduated from college and is soon to step into the job market. What would you say to this version of yourself?

This is one of the many questions that Daniel asked our first guest of...

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#STEM Ep 143 How to Increase Your Chances for Success interview podcast shpe stem success Apr 30, 2020


Show Notes 

Welcome to the new #STEM series of the Mastering College to Career Podcast. 

In this episode I introduce you to my Co-Host for the #STEM series, Miguel Angel Cuen, a Computer Science Student at the University of Arizona. We talk to Dr. Zack Valdez who is the...

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