Ep. 151 “Adopting a Growth Mindset“ With Stephanie Nuesi career career advice career services college student growth internship interview linkedin mastering college to career maximize mindset podcast resourcefulness resume university Jun 11, 2020



Show Notes

Imagine graduating High School at the age of 14. 

Not speaking a lick of english, you leave your home country to go to college in America.

Fast forward five years to your Junior year in college and you’re the CEO of your own company and mentor over 400 other...

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Ep 147 Building a World-Class Network with Jordan Paris growth interview personal development podcast May 28, 2020


Show Notes 

Networking is more of a science than an art. The fact is that you don’t need to be a 60-year-old white male to have a world-class network. 

In fact, my guest in today’s episode of the podcast actually is 22 years old, but has a network that most...

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