Landing Your Dream Job Is An Open Book Test Ep 100 assess career fair dream job interview open book podcast target list Sep 17, 2019

Youtube Video



Summary of Content

In this episode, I will be talking about how landing your dream job is as simple as taking an open book test. One big problem that I see is that students never take the time to figure out what companies they want to work for so they never get the...

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How To Conduct A Self Assessment assess discovery podcast self assessment youtube Sep 09, 2019


Podcast Audio

About This Episode

In this episode, I talk about the importance of self-assessments. Taking the time to understand where you see your life 5-10 years from now is crucial to knowing how you should spend your time now as a college student. 


This is such an...

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3 Things You Need To Know To Find Your Ideal Career with Emily Melious assess dream job ideal career self assessment self discovery Jul 29, 2019

In this episode of the podcast I had the opportunity of interviewing Emily Melious, the CEO and Founder of Launch Consulting LLC. She is a talent optimizer, people analytics expert, business strategy consultant, and career coach. We cover a lot in this episode, but most importantly we discuss...

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