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The Future of College, Improving Social Mobility, and Much More with Dale Whittaker Ep. 91

college president future of work is college worth it social mobility student loans ucf Aug 05, 2019

In this episode of the podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dale Whittaker, the past President of the University of Central Florida. We cover some very important topics including if college is still a good investment, what students can do to graduate on time with a job, and the future of college.

[2:30] Is going to college still a good investment?

[4:30] Student loans and how much students should be taking out

[8:30] Advice and tips for first-generation college students to master college

[11:30] What do the students that find success after college do while in college?

[15:45] There is such a thing as over engagement in a student organization at the expense of engagement in your profession

[17:00] How do students find success in large universities?

[19:10] The universities of the future vs. the universities that we have now

[21:30] The United States biggest strategic problem is lack of talent

[ 23:30] Exclusivity vs. Improved Social Mobility

[ 26:26] Where do you see the university system 25 years from today?

[29:30] What is the responsibility of a student?

The one thing that Dale Whittaker would like for you to take away from this episode:

Engage- Engage in your own, engage with your community!

Want to connect with Dale Whittaker?

Email: [email protected]



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