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Why You Should Consider A Career In STEM With Fernando Ceballos, P.E.

career in stem career options college student engenering podcast stem Jul 15, 2019

In this episode, I had the chance to interview Fernando Ceballos, P.E. Fernando is a Project Engineer for Pape-Dawson Engineers and the President of the DFW SHEPE Chapter.

[1:40] Fernando’s story

[3:45] When you work for a company it needs to be a two-way street in terms of providing value. They provide value to you, but you also have to provide value to them.

[5:40] Why students should consider pursuing a career in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)

[7:45] Why Fernando got involved with SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers)

[10:00] Why every engineering student should consider joining SHPE

[12:20] Attending the SHPE national convention will allow you to meet and connect with recruiters from top tier organizations that usually only recruit from top tier schools.

[16:10] Less than 15% of STEM roles are held by Hispanics and the number decreases for higher level roles.

[18:15] Why Hispanics don’t gravitate towards STEM roles

[20:30] Why you should hold a leadership position

[25:00] You can be a leader without a title

[28:00] How to turn your weaknesses into your advantages

The one thing Fernando would like for you to take away from this episode:

Find your why!

Want to connect with Fernando?

Name of Guest: Fernando A. Ceballos, P.E
Job Title: Project Engineer and SHEPE DFW President
Organization: Pape-Dawson Engineers/ SHEPE
Email: [email protected]



Let’s connect! I want to hear from you, so please do NOT hesitate to reach out to me on LinkedIn, email, or anywhere else.

Email- [email protected]

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