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Ep.260 "How I got a job at Microsoft"

career career advice college student international students mastering college to career success story Sep 08, 2022
Ep.260 "How I got a job at Microsoft"

I am happy to announce that Fatemah got an offer from Microsoft. 

But before that happened, she was rejected by Snap Inc., Google, Amazon, and many more. Her journey was not easy. 

It was a journey full of ups and a lot of downs, as it is for most students. 

She was intimidated by networking, dealt with imposter syndrome and felt her technical skills were not good enough. 

But she never gave up. 

She knew that if she controlled the controllable, all the hard work would pay off. And it did. 

Take 20 min to listen to this episode and learn how she did it, so you can land your dream job, just as she did! 

Need extra help? Schedule a FREE Career Strategy Session with my team of experts TODAY and get closer to landing your dream job. 

Let’s connect!  

I want to hear from you, so please do NOT hesitate to reach out to me on LinkedIn. 

Episode Produced by: Sofia Rojas 


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