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Ep.257 "Top 3 lessons that changed my life"

career career advice college student life life lessons mastering college to career Aug 18, 2022
Ep.257 "Top 3 lessons that changed my life"

10 years ago, I graduated college.

In this past decade, I have won, I have failed, and most importantly, I have learned.

So, in today’s podcast, I talk about the top 3 lessons I learned that changed my life and perspective, hoping it will help your future self. Here they are:

  1. Your career is a marathon and not a sprint.
  2. Life is a tradeoff between time and money.
  3. Failure is a good thing, not a bad thing.

To hear more in depth about them, take 15 min to listen to this episode now and share with a friend that might need it too.

Need extra help? Schedule a FREE Career Strategy Session with my team of experts TODAY and get closer to landing your dream job.

Let’s connect! 

I want to hear from you, so please do NOT hesitate to reach out to me on LinkedIn.

Episode Produced by: Sofia Rojas


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