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Ep 137 So Tell Me About Yourself? with Stan Miller

about me elevator speech interview story tell me about yourself Apr 09, 2020


Show Notes

In this episode of the podcast, I speak with Stan Miller, Chief Sales Officer at Viewpost and Founder of professional development firm Storicate. 

Stan is an expert at helping people tell their stories because at the end of the day, what you say matters. We talk about the importance of being able to share your story and the ability to answer the two most common questions we are asked... “Can you tell me about yourself?” and “What do you do?”

To connect with Stan on LinkedIn:

To learn more about professional development resources from Stan visit: 

Stan has also recently launched a LinkedIn course designed to help you accelerate your career with LinkedIn.  For more information visit:

If you want to learn more about my mentoring program email me at [email protected]


Best Regards, 


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