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Ep 125 Why Your Resume is Dying

career advice linkedin podcast recruiters resume Feb 04, 2020




In this episode of the podcast I talk about why I think the resume is dying and why you need to put more effort into your LinkedIn profile. 

Your LinkedIn profile will get viewed more times than your resume because it’s public and it gives employers all of the relevant information that they are looking for in one place. 

So make sure you listen to the whole episode and make your LinkedIn profile a priority. 

For those who want to take action, I have created the Mastering LinkedIn Mini Book. This will show you step by step how to create an All Star LinkedIn profile. It will also give you tons of examples of profiles from students who have already executed my suggestions.

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Have you subscribed to the email list? If you haven’t, I encourage you to do that today. I would hate for you to miss any future content. Every week I cover a very important topic to help you master your transition from college to career. 

If you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on some amazing content.

Let’s get social! 

Let’s connect! I want to hear from you, so please do NOT hesitate to reach out to me on LinkedIn, email, or anywhere else. 

 Best Regards, 


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