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Ep 123 The # 1 Thing You Need To Know To Get a Job Before You Graduate College

career advice interview podcast Jan 28, 2020



Show Notes 

I often get asked what my #1 piece of advice would be for students to get a job.

It was hard for me to just think of one, but after thinking a lot about my experience as a student as well as the experiences of the students that I’ve helped I’ve decided on the most important piece of advice. I have finally picked THAT ONE THING that if done will lead to you landing a job with your dream company. 

That one thing is becoming the ideal candidate for your dream company. 

Research shows that when a company hires the wrong person it costs them 1x - 5x that person’s first-year salary. 

So what I have found is that most recruiters are hiring the student that they feel would be the safer bet. 

When you do the research and become the ideal candidate then you lower their risk, which will increase your chances of receiving the job offer. 

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 Best Regards, 


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