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Ep. 122 What does an IBM Marketing Internship Look Like? With Sarah Williams and Lea Chen

career ibm internships interview open book test podcast summer internship programs Jan 23, 2020



In this episode of the podcast I talk to Sarah Williams (Manager of Marketing Talent Strategy & Operations) and Lea Chen (Digital & Social Strategist) from IBM. 

We talk about what an IBM Marketing Internship looks like and we also discuss why large corporations have internship programs and how they are the best way for both students and companies to find the right fit. 

I highly recommend you listen to this episode if you want to learn more about internship programs with IBM or any large company. 

If you would like more information about the internship program visit or you can reach out to Lea via email at [email protected]

To register or find out more information about the online training on "How to Get a Job/Internship with a Fortune 500"... visit:

Best Regards,


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