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Ep. 223 “How to Find Hiring Managers in Minutes” with Eugene Hayden

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Ep. 223 “How to Find Hiring Managers in Minutes” with Eugene Hayden

In this episode, data scientist Eugene Hayden talks about how we can connect with thousands of hiring managers in minutes using his database, We Are Hiring! 

Eugene took his personal experience during the pandemic and combined it with his engineering background, creating the free and easy-to-use database to help people find jobs. We Are Hiring! links you directly to thousands of hiring managers from 35 different companies, such as Google to Tesla. 

Check out Eugene’s website for more information and opportunities and try We Are Hiring! For yourself! 

Don’t forget to leave a review and share with a friend. Check out our Instagram and LinkedIn and visit Mastering College to Career to learn more about how we can help you with your career! 


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