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Ep. 233 “How to Master Your Professional Development” with Alexa Riccardi Cabal

career career advice career services college student internship interview linkedin mastering college to career podcast resume university Jan 06, 2022
Ep. 233 “How to Master Your Professional Development” with Alexa Riccardi Cabal

Who is responsible for your career? You, your manager, your company, your company’s HR, or someone else?

You might be surprised by the answer.

This week, I’ve invited author Alexa Riccardi Cabal, an expert at leadership and development, to discuss how you can take charge of your personal development in the new year.

Why do most people blame the employer when they don't get the job or get the promotion? We know the right answer, yet we fail to plan and take action. I don’t want you to be like most people. Instead, I want you to be different and truly own your professional development. 

That is why you must listen to this episode to learn how to truly own your career! 

Check out Alexa’s book, “Get More Than Coffee: The Ultimate Internship Guide and Planner,” on Amazon!

Don’t forget to leave a review and share with a friend. Check out our Instagram and LinkedIn and visit Mastering College to Career to learn more about how we can help you with your career! 

Episode Produced by: Olivia Wabski


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