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Ep. 231 “How to Succeed as a Career Professional” with Jack Dillon

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Ep. 231 “How to Succeed as a Career Professional” with Jack Dillon

If you could look inside the mind of a career professional, what are the top three things you’d want to know?

This week, I invited my mentor, Jack Dillon, to discuss his top three lessons in his new book, “Jump the Line 101 Lessons for Professional Success,” where he shares a lifetime of learned skills.

Whether you’re in medicine or in marketing, Jack hopes to teach people in any field how to develop main core skills that will follow you throughout your career and help you in the long run.

Check out Jump the Line 101 Lessons for Professional Success on Amazon!

Don’t forget to leave a review and share with a friend. Check out our Instagram and LinkedIn and visit Mastering College to Career to learn more about how we can help you with your career! 

Episode Produced by: Olivia Wabski


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