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Ep. 228 “How to Apply for Jobs the Right Way” with Daniel Botero

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Ep. 228 “How to Apply for Jobs the Right Way” with Daniel Botero

How have you been applying for jobs? Well, I bet you’ve been applying the wrong way.

I have worked with thousands of job seekers, and 99% are.

If you are a job seeker and want to get a job in less than 90 days follow these five steps. 

  1. Find open jobs that match what you are looking for. 
  2. Research the job, the company, and the department. 
  3. Customize your resume and cover letter before applying by using your research and job description.
  4. Apply for the role. 
  5. Increase your application’s visibility by networking with hiring managers, future coworkers, and recruiters. 

Follow this process for each role, and I promise you’ll have better results! 

Episode Produced by: Olivia Wabski


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