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Ep. 224 “How to Build a Personal Brand” with Fariha Tasnim

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Ep. 224 “How to Build a Personal Brand” with Fariha Tasnim

How do you stand out from the millions of college graduates looking for a job?

Two words. Personal brand.

In this week’s episode, I invited Fariha Tasnim to discuss the importance of building a personal brand. Fariha and I talk about the power of personal branding, as well as her success on LinkedIn and how she further branded herself.

Fariha is the founder of The Cohort Collective, a career coaching firm that specializes in helping future generations further develop their personal and professional brands, as well as obtain jobs.

To make building a personal brand your priority, check out Fariha’s company, The Cohort Collective, for more information about her and her objectives!

Episode Produced by: Olivia Wabski


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