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Ep. 215 “Part 1: Mastering College to Career Overview”

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Show Notes

Welcome back, MC2C family, Daniel here! I’m so excited for this series we have coming up for you guys.

For the next six episodes, I’ll be breaking down what each Mastering College to Career mentee learns while completing the course. In this week’s episode, I’ll be briefly going through and summarizing the following five steps each one of my clients will master:

  1. Clarity
  2. Visibility
  3. Networking
  4. Interviewing
  5. Financial Freedom

So, whether you’ve already finished the course, you’re completing it now, or you have yet to start, this is going to be the perfect episode for you.

Don’t forget to leave a review and share with a friend. And, visit Mastering College to Career to learn more about how we can help you with your career! 

Episode Produced by: Olivia Wabski


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