Ep. 214 "Vision Boards: How to Make Your Dreams a Reality" with Daniel Botero
Aug 10, 2021Podcast
Show Notes
I dared my team to dream big, and I was surprised with what they came up with.
I wanted to take a day to have everyone on my team do a vision board because I felt like many of them were being held back by their limiting beliefs. Before they wrote down any goals, we went around asking each other these questions:
- If you had a $1 million and had to spend it all in one day and could not save it, what would you do with it?
- If money and time were not an object, what would you want to accomplish with your life?
- What makes life worth giving everything you got?
- When you are on your deathbed, what needs to happen for you to be satisfied with the life you lived?
Then, I shared my life goals and vision, so they knew that nothing is off limits. Then they had to write their goals, find pictures that represented them, print them, then put it on a cardboard, and share them with the group. To say I was blown away would be an understatement.
This day made our team so much closer and aligned. We all know what we want in our life and are committed to helping each other reach them.
I have a feeling that this day will be one that will be talked about forever!
Now, I want you to join us! Check out the episode if you want to know what you need to do to make sure everything you dream becomes a reality.
And, visit Mastering College to Career to learn more about how we can help you with your career!
Episode Produced by: Olivia Wabski