Ep. 205 “How to Get Hired as an International Student” with Robert Bouchard
career career advice career services college student internship interview linkedin mastering college to career podcast resume university May 24, 2021
Show Notes
You think getting a job is hard? Try getting a job as an international student.
Not only is the legal process complicated to understand, but it is also difficult to navigate. Based on my experience, international students apply to 10 times as more jobs than traditional students. Yet, you spent more than half of your time applying for the wrong companies.
Did you know that only around 33% of all companies actually sponsor? Most international students don’t take the time to find this out before they apply, causing them to waste their time.
Before you fill out the next application, ask yourself the following questions:
- Has the company you are applying for sponsored someone before?
- If yes, have they sponsored someone for the role you are applying for?
This is just one of the topics Robert Bouchard, the H1B Guy, and I spoke about in today’s episode of the MC2C Podcast.
Have questions about your career? Well, we are here to help! Text me if you have any questions at +1 (321) 221-5240.
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