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Ep. 201 “Remote Work: Traveling in a New Age of Employment” with Mike Swigunski

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Show Notes

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced us to many things we never knew were possible, such as TikTok or toilet paper shortages. One thing we were not expecting was the increase in remote work, or working from home. 

Is this the future of employment? I’ve invited travel and remote work expert Mike Swigunski to talk about working from home and building your career while traveling the world. 

Mike brings his personal experiences living in countries throughout the world, such as Georgia and Colombia, all while building a successful career for himself. 

Tune in if you’ve ever thought that remote work in your favorite place on Earth is something for you!

Don’t forget to visit Mike’s website if you have any questions or if you want to look for your own remote job!

Have questions about your career? Well we are here to help! Text me if you have any questions at +1 (321) 221-5240.

Episode Edited by: Olivia Wabski


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