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Ep. 190 “How to Build a Successful Mentor/Mentee Relationship” with Carlos Gregory

career career advice career services college student internship interview mastering college to career podcast resume university Feb 09, 2021


Show Notes

“How do I find a mentor? What does a mentor do? What even is a mentor?” These are the hard-hitting questions that can be easily answered, and your life will be better for it.

On this week’s episode, I’m joined with Carlos Gregory, an innovative leader in the world of mentorship.

Carlos and I go in depth about how to secure a mentor, giving a few solutions to hypothetical situations that you might face.

We give tips on how to focus on developing a mutually beneficial relationship, how to build your board of advisors, and much more!

Tune in to see how you can build a successful relationship with your mentor! 

Want us to help you with your career? Schedule a FREE Strategy Call with Daniel or one of our career consultants. In this call, we will help you identify what is holding you back from getting your dream job/ internship.

Episode Produced by: Olivia Wabski


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