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Ep. 189 "Will Your Job Be Eliminated by Tech and AI?" with Gilda Alvarez

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Show Notes

What do you think of when you hear “artificial intelligence?” Many, like myself, think of a potential threat to human resources.

On this week’s episode, Gilda Alvarez joins me as we dig deep into the relationship between artificial intelligence and the workforce. 

As Founder CEO at Latinas in Data, Gilda has experience with technology and knowledge of AI in the workplace, giving real-world examples of how AI has already taken over. 

Tune in to learn more about how you can protect your future!

Want us to help you with your career? Schedule a FREE Strategy Call with Daniel or one of our career consultants. In this call we will help you identify what is holding you back from getting your dream job/ internship.

Episode Produced by: Olivia Wabski


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