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Ep. 184 "The right way to set a goal for 2021" with Daniel Botero

career career advice career services college student internship interview mastering college to career podcast resume university Dec 29, 2020


Show Notes

The last episode of the longest year in history is here! Through the thick and thin of 2020, Daniel has significantly grown his academy, helping students obtain their personal employment goals after graduation.

Daniel recounts his year in review, speaking about many aspects of Mastering College to Career, from getting closer with his teams through Slack to the average pay of a MC2C graduate compared to those who have not taken the course.

From editing the podcasts on his own to growing into a ten person team, Daniel has progressed as a businessman throughout the year. To continue towards his goal of widening the academy, Daniel talks about how to properly set and obtain goals in the new year!

Listening to experience the positives 2020 brought the Mastering College to Career Academy and what lies ahead in the future!

Want us to help you with your career? Schedule a FREE Strategy Call with Daniel or one of our career consultants. In this call we will help you identify what is holding you back from getting your dream job/ internship.

Episode Produced by: Olivia Wabski


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