The Money Blog

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Ep.180 The Start of Something New w/ Daniel Botero

career career advice career services college student internship interview mastering college to career podcast resume university Nov 24, 2020


Show Notes

We are switching some things up here at mastering college to career and what better way to celebrate than to divide 180 episodes by 15 and figuring out that we are in our 12th season.

In this short solo episode with Daniel you'll get the scoop on what else we have in store for you all!

There's going to be a lot of new things happening over here, but one thing that will never change is our desire to add value to our viewers and future mentees.

Stay tuned for mentee success stories and groundbreaking tips and stories from the world's greatest professionals.

Want us to help you with your career? Schedule a FREE Strategy Call with Daniel or one of our career consultants today! 

In this call we will help you clarify your goals and identify what is holding you back from getting your dream job/ internship.

Episode Produced By: Jordan Alford & Trasean Stepney


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